How to install GitLab Community Edition


This guide shows how to install GitLab CE on a Ubuntu 20.04 LTS for internal use. GitLab provides multple ways to install its software, but here the focus is on omnibus, which is in my opinion the easiest way to get started.

Add GitLab repository

Before we can start with the installation of GitLab, we need to install the package repository.

curl -s | sudo bash

Source of the script

Install GitLab CE

Now GitLab can be installed.

sudo apt install gitlab-ce


The file /etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb contains all the configurations. But for internal usage, we dont need to change any settings. But we can have a look at these two links, for the possibilities.

To finish the installation, we use the gitlab-ctl command.

sudo gitlab-ctl reconfigure

This command takes sometime. After the command is run successfully I made the experience, that gitlab was not reachable straight away. I was experiencing a 502 error. But this is just, because GitLab needs some more minutes to get up and running again.

If we make later on some changes in /etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb, we need to re-use the reconfigure command from above.

Access GitLab

GitLab listens by default on port 80. After the configuration, it can be accessed by the ip or fqdn of the server, as for example:

Link, which helped me.