Connect from the local shell
Show all dbs
show dbs
Connect with a db
Show currently connected db
Show all collections
show collections
Show all entries of a collection
Show all entries of a collection PRETTY
Display all databases
> show dbs
admin 0.000GB
config 0.000GB
local 0.000GB
onews 0.001GB
Connect with the db to delete
use onews
Delete the db
Verify the result
> show dbs
admin 0.000GB
config 0.000GB
local 0.000GB
Backup the database
mongodump --db=database-name
Creates a directory “dump”, which contains a folder with the db name. And this director contains the backup files of all collections. With “–out=” you can specify where you want the backup to be stored.
Restore the database
mongorestore --db=d...
Backup the collection
mongodump --collection=collection-name --db=database-name
Creates a directory “dump”, which contains a folder with the db name. And this director contains the backup files of the collection. With “–out=” you can specify where you want the backup to be stored.
Delete the c...